Source code for omxplayer.player

import subprocess
import time
import os
import signal
import logging
import threading
import math
import sys
try: # python2
    from urlparse import urlsplit
except ImportError: # python3
    from urllib.parse import urlsplit

if sys.version_info > (3,):
    long = int

from decorator import decorator
from dbus import DBusException, Int64, String, ObjectPath
import dbus.types

from omxplayer.bus_finder import BusFinder
from omxplayer.dbus_connection import DBusConnection, \

from evento import Event

#### CONSTANTS ####

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _check_player_is_active(fn):
    # wraps is a decorator that improves debugging wrapped methods
    def wrapped(fn, self, *args, **kwargs):
        logger.debug('Checking if process is still alive')
        # poll determines whether the process has terminated,
        # if it hasn't it returns None.
        if self._process.poll() is None:
            logger.debug('OMXPlayer is running, so execute %s' %
            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
            raise OMXPlayerDeadError('Process is no longer alive, can\'t run command')

    return decorator(wrapped, fn)

def _from_dbus_type(fn):
    def from_dbus_type(dbusVal):
        def from_dbus_dict(dbusDict):
            d = dict()
            for dbusKey, dbusVal in dbusDict.items():
                d[from_dbus_type(dbusKey)] = from_dbus_type(dbusVal)
            return d

        typeUnwrapper = {
            dbus.types.Dictionary: from_dbus_dict,
            dbus.types.Array: lambda x: list(map(from_dbus_type, x)),
            dbus.types.Double: float,
            dbus.types.Boolean: bool,
            dbus.types.Byte: int,
            dbus.types.Int16: int,
            dbus.types.Int32: int,
            dbus.types.UInt32: int,
            dbus.types.Int64: int,
            dbus.types.UInt32: int,
            dbus.types.UInt64: int,
            dbus.types.ByteArray: str,
            dbus.types.ObjectPath: str,
            dbus.types.Signature: str,
            dbus.types.String: str
            return typeUnwrapper[type(dbusVal)](dbusVal)
        except KeyError:
            return dbusVal

    def wrapped(fn, self, *args, **kwargs):
            return from_dbus_type(fn(self, *args, **kwargs))

    return decorator(wrapped, fn)

#### CLASSES ####
[docs]class FileNotFoundError(Exception): pass
[docs]class OMXPlayerDeadError(Exception): pass
[docs]class OMXPlayer(object): """ OMXPlayer controller This works by speaking to OMXPlayer over DBus sending messages. Args: source (str): Path to the file (as ~/Videos/my-video.mp4) or URL you wish to play args (list): used to pass option parameters to omxplayer. see: Multiple argument example: >>> OMXPlayer('path.mp4', args=['--no-osd', '--no-keys', '-b']) """ def __init__(self, source, args=[], bus_address_finder=None, Connection=None, dbus_name=None, pause=False): logger.debug('Instantiating OMXPlayer') self.args = args self._is_playing = True self._source = source self._dbus_name = dbus_name self._Connection = Connection if Connection else DBusConnection self._bus_address_finder = bus_address_finder if bus_address_finder else BusFinder() #: Event called on pause ``callback(player)`` self.pauseEvent = Event() #: Event called on play ``callback(player)`` self.playEvent = Event() #: Event called on stop ``callback(player)`` self.stopEvent = Event() #: Event called on seek ``callback(player, relative_position)`` self.seekEvent = Event() #: Event called on setting position ``callback(player, absolute_position)`` self.positionEvent = Event() self._process = None self._connection = None self.load(source, pause=pause) def _load_source(self, source): if self._process: self.quit() self._process = self._setup_omxplayer_process(source) self._connection = self._setup_dbus_connection(self._Connection, self._bus_address_finder) def _run_omxplayer(self, source, devnull): def on_exit():"OMXPlayer process is dead, all DBus calls from here " "will fail") def monitor(process, on_exit): process.wait() on_exit() try: source = str(source.resolve()) except AttributeError: pass command = ['omxplayer'] + self.args + [source] if self._dbus_name: command += ['--dbus_name', self._dbus_name] logger.debug("Opening omxplayer with the command: %s" % command) process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=devnull, stdout=devnull, preexec_fn=os.setsid) self._process_monitor = threading.Thread(target=monitor, args=(process, on_exit)) self._process_monitor.start() return process def _setup_omxplayer_process(self, source): logger.debug('Setting up OMXPlayer process') with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: process = self._run_omxplayer(source, devnull) logger.debug('Process opened with PID %s' % return process def _setup_dbus_connection(self, Connection, bus_address_finder): logger.debug('Trying to connect to OMXPlayer via DBus') tries = 0 while tries < 50: logger.debug('DBus connect attempt: {}'.format(tries)) try: connection = Connection(bus_address_finder.get_address(), self._dbus_name) logger.debug( 'Connected to OMXPlayer at DBus address: %s' % connection) return connection except (DBusConnectionError, IOError): logger.debug('Failed to connect to OMXPlayer DBus address') tries += 1 time.sleep(RETRY_DELAY) raise SystemError('DBus cannot connect to the OMXPlayer process') """ Utilities """
[docs] def load(self, source, pause=False): """ Loads a new source (as a file) from ``source`` (a file path or URL) by killing the current ``omxplayer`` process and forking a new one. Args: source (string): Path to the file to play or URL """ self._source = source self._load_source(source) if pause: time.sleep(0.5) # Wait for the DBus interface to be initialised self.pause()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def can_quit(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player can quit or not """ return self._root_interface_property('CanQuit')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def fullscreen(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player is fullscreen or not """ return self._root_interface_property('Fullscreen')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def can_set_fullscreen(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player can go fullscreen """ return self._root_interface_property('CanSetFullscreen')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def can_raise(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player can raise the display window atop of all other windows""" return self._root_interface_property('CanRaise')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def has_track_list(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player has a track list or not""" return self._root_interface_property('HasTrackList')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def identity(self): """ Returns: str: Returns `omxplayer`, the name of the player """ return self._root_interface_property('Identity')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def supported_uri_schemes(self): """ Returns: str: list of supported URI schemes Examples: >>> player.supported_uri_schemes() ["file", "http", "rtsp", "rtmp"] """ return self._root_interface_property('SupportedUriSchemes')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def can_go_next(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player can move to the next item in the playlist """ return self._player_interface_property('CanGoNext')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def can_go_previous(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player can move to the previous item in the playlist """ return self._player_interface_property('CanGoPrevious')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def can_seek(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player can seek """ return self._player_interface_property('CanSeek')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def can_control(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player can be controlled""" return self._player_interface_property('CanControl')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def can_play(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player can play""" return self._player_interface_property('CanPlay')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def can_pause(self): """ Returns: bool: whether the player can pause""" return self._player_interface_property('CanPause')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def playback_status(self): """ Returns: str: one of ("Playing" | "Paused" | "Stopped") """ return self._player_interface_property('PlaybackStatus')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def volume(self): """ Returns: float: current volume in millibels """ vol = self._player_interface_property('Volume') return 2000.0 * math.log(vol, 10)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def set_volume(self, volume): """ Args: float: volume in millibels """ return self._player_interface_property('Volume', dbus.Double(10**(volume / 2000.0)))
@_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def _position_us(self): """ Returns: int: position in microseconds """ return self._player_interface_property('Position')
[docs] def position(self): """ Returns: int: position in seconds """ return self._position_us() / (1000.0 * 1000.0)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def minimum_rate(self): """ Returns: float: minimum playback rate (as proportion of normal rate) """ return self._player_interface_property('MinimumRate')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def maximum_rate(self): """ Returns: float: maximum playback rate (as proportion of normal rate) """ return self._player_interface_property('MaximumRate')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def rate(self): """ Returns: float: playback rate, 1 is the normal rate, 0.5 would be half speed and 2 would be double speed. """ return self._player_interface_property('Rate')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def set_rate(self, rate): """ Set the playback rate of the video as a multiple of the default playback speed Examples: >>> player.set_rate(2) # Will play twice as fast as normal speed >>> player.set_rate(0.5) # Will play half speed """ return self._player_interface_property('Rate', dbus.Double(rate))
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def metadata(self): """ Returns: dict: containing track information ('URI', 'length') Examples: >>> player.metadata() { 'mpris:length': 19691000, 'xesam:url': 'file:///home/name/path/to/media/file.mp4' } """ return self._player_interface_property('Metadata')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def aspect_ratio(self): """ Returns: float: aspect ratio """ return self._player_interface_property('Aspect')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def video_stream_count(self): """ Returns: int: number of video streams """ return self._player_interface_property('VideoStreamCount')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def width(self): """ Returns: int: video width in px """ return self._player_interface_property('ResWidth')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def height(self): """ Returns: int: video height in px """ return self._player_interface_property('ResHeight')
@_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def _duration_us(self): """ Returns: int: total length in microseconds """ return self._player_interface_property('Duration')
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def duration(self): """ Returns: float: duration in seconds """ return self._duration_us() / (1000.0 * 1000.0)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def pause(self): """ Pause playback """ self._player_interface.Pause() self._is_playing = False self.pauseEvent(self)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def play_pause(self): """ Pause playback if currently playing, otherwise start playing if currently paused. """ self._player_interface.PlayPause() self._is_playing = not self._is_playing if self._is_playing: self.playEvent(self) else: self.pauseEvent(self)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def stop(self): """ Stop the player, causing it to quit """ self._player_interface.Stop() self.stopEvent(self)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def seek(self, relative_position): """ Seek the video by `relative_position` seconds Args: relative_position (float): The position in seconds to seek to. """ self._player_interface.Seek(Int64(1000.0 * 1000 * relative_position)) self.seekEvent(self, relative_position)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def set_position(self, position): """ Set the video to playback position to `position` seconds from the start of the video Args: position (float): The position in seconds. """ self._player_interface.SetPosition(ObjectPath("/not/used"), Int64(position * 1000.0 * 1000)) self.positionEvent(self, position)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def set_alpha(self, alpha): """ Set the transparency of the video overlay Args: alpha (float): The transparency (0..255) """ self._player_interface.SetAlpha(ObjectPath('/not/used'), Int64(alpha))
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def mute(self): """ Mute audio. If already muted, then this does not do anything """ self._player_interface.Mute()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def unmute(self): """ Unmutes the video. If already unmuted, then this does not do anything """ self._player_interface.Unmute()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def set_aspect_mode(self, mode): """ Set the aspect mode of the video Args: mode (str): One of ("letterbox" | "fill" | "stretch") """ self._player_interface.SetAspectMode(ObjectPath('/not/used'), String(mode))
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def set_video_pos(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ Set the video position on the screen Args: x1 (int): Top left x coordinate (px) y1 (int): Top left y coordinate (px) x2 (int): Bottom right x coordinate (px) y2 (int): Bottom right y coordinate (px) """ position = "%s %s %s %s" % (str(x1),str(y1),str(x2),str(y2)) self._player_interface.VideoPos(ObjectPath('/not/used'), String(position))
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def video_pos(self): """ Returns: (int, int, int, int): Video spatial position (x1, y1, x2, y2) where (x1, y1) is top left, and (x2, y2) is bottom right. All values in px. """ position_string = self._player_interface.VideoPos(ObjectPath('/not/used')) return list(map(int, position_string.split(" ")))
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def set_video_crop(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ Args: x1 (int): Top left x coordinate (px) y1 (int): Top left y coordinate (px) x2 (int): Bottom right x coordinate (px) y2 (int): Bottom right y coordinate (px) """ crop = "%s %s %s %s" % (str(x1),str(y1),str(x2),str(y2)) self._player_interface.SetVideoCropPos(ObjectPath('/not/used'), String(crop))
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def hide_video(self): """ Hides the video overlays """ self._player_interface.HideVideo()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def show_video(self): """ Shows the video (to undo a `hide_video`) """ self._player_interface.UnHideVideo()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def list_audio(self): """ Returns: [str]: A list of all known audio streams, each item is in the format: ``<index>:<language>:<name>:<codec>:<active>`` """ return self._player_interface.ListAudio()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def list_video(self): """ Returns: [str]: A list of all known video streams, each item is in the format: ``<index>:<language>:<name>:<codec>:<active>`` """ return self._player_interface.ListVideo()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def list_subtitles(self): """ Returns: [str]: A list of all known subtitles, each item is in the format: ``<index>:<language>:<name>:<codec>:<active>`` """ return self._player_interface.ListSubtitles()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def select_subtitle(self, index): """ Enable a subtitle specified by the index it is listed in :class:`list_subtitles` Args: index (int): index of subtitle listing returned by :class:`list_subtitles` """ return self._player_interface.SelectSubtitle(dbus.Int32(index))
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def select_audio(self, index): """ Select audio stream specified by the index of the stream in :class:`list_audio` Args: index (int): index of audio stream returned by :class:`list_audio` """ return self._player_interface.SelectAudio(dbus.Int32(index))
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def show_subtitles(self): """ Shows subtitles after :class:`hide_subtitles` """ return self._player_interface.ShowSubtitles()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active def hide_subtitles(self): """ Hide subtitles """ return self._player_interface.HideSubtitles()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def action(self, code): """ Executes a keyboard command via a code Args: code (int): The key code you wish to emulate refer to ```` for the possible keys """ self._player_interface.Action(code)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def is_playing(self): """ Returns: bool: Whether the player is playing """ self._is_playing = (self.playback_status() == "Playing")"Playing?: %s" % self._is_playing) return self._is_playing
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def play_sync(self): """ Play the video and block whilst the video is playing """"Playing synchronously") try: time.sleep(0.05) logger.debug("Wait for playing to start") while self.is_playing(): time.sleep(0.05) except DBusException: logger.error( "Cannot play synchronously any longer as DBus calls timed out." )
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def play(self): """ Play the video asynchronously returning control immediately to the calling code """ if not self.is_playing(): self.play_pause() self._is_playing = True self.playEvent(self)
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def next(self): """ Skip to the next chapter Returns: bool: Whether the player skipped to the next chapter """ return self._player_interface.Next()
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def previous(self): """ Skip to the previous chapter Returns: bool: Whether the player skipped to the previous chapter """ return self._player_interface.Previous()
@property def _root_interface(self): return self._connection.root_interface @property def _player_interface(self): return self._connection.player_interface @property def _properties_interface(self): return self._connection.properties_interface def _interface_property(self, interface, prop, val): if val: return self._properties_interface.Set(interface, prop, val) else: return self._properties_interface.Get(interface, prop) def _root_interface_property(self, prop, val=None): return self._interface_property(self._root_interface.dbus_interface, prop, val) def _player_interface_property(self, prop, val=None): return self._interface_property(self._player_interface.dbus_interface, prop, val)
[docs] def quit(self): """ Quit the player, blocking until the process has died """ try: logger.debug('Quitting OMXPlayer') process_group_id = os.getpgid( os.killpg(process_group_id, signal.SIGTERM) logger.debug('SIGTERM Sent to pid: %s' % process_group_id) self._process_monitor.join() except OSError: logger.error('Could not find the process to kill') self._process = None self._process = None
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def get_source(self): """ Get the source URI of the currently playing media Returns: str: source currently playing """ return self._source
# For backward compatibility
[docs] @_check_player_is_active @_from_dbus_type def get_filename(self): """ Returns: str: source currently playing .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 Use: :func:`get_source` instead. """ return self.get_source()
# MediaPlayer2.Player types: # Track_Id: DBus ID of track # Plaback_Rate: Multiplier for playback speed (1 = normal speed) # Volume: 0--1, 0 is muted and 1 is full volume # Time_In_Us: Time in microseconds # Playback_Status: Playing|Paused|Stopped # Loop_Status: None|Track|Playlist